There's no need to remind you of the same old topics like relevant hashtags, publishing stories on stories, using CTAs, etc. Some of the issues we'll discuss in this article aren't news that you've been exposed to these topics numerous times. However, you can use this as a list of things you should add to your Instagram marketing plan. We at KERYAR , use many techniques to maximize your reach. Now let’s take a look into some of these techniques.

Instagram Algorithm, Explained

Instagram Algorithm, Explained.jpg

A quick overview of how the Instagram algorithm will work in 2022. Based on Instagram itself, the content is ranked based on the type of posts you like and your past interactions with the person who shared this content, the details about this account, as well as the information about a particular position, including the level of popularity, and what the post's content is.

In 2022, Instagram will return to the chronological feed, but different from how it was previously. Instagram now lets users, as well as brands and creators, choose between Favorites and Following, which are recommendations for your feed in line with your interests and following accounts.

This implies that Instagram is pushing for more ads as the increased competition for attention due to the addition of content could reduce the effectiveness of advertisements. In addition, this new strategy implies that you must invest in high-quality, optimized and attractive content more than before and develop high-quality advertisements that draw your viewers' interest.

What is Reach Impressions and. Reach on Instagram?

Many new social media marketers , managers and creators need to learn the difference between these two. In reality, impressions and reach are two completely different metrics. If a person has viewed your post twice, Instagram Insights shows this: 2 impressions and 1 reach Impressions.

Reach refers to the number of users who have seen the article, and impressions are the number of times the post was seen.

What Influences the Reach on Instagram?

These elements determine the reach of

  • When you publish your post, more people are connected to the Internet. When you publish, the more people view your post, the more your reach.
  • What you share: videos generally get more attention than carousels and images.
  • The number of interactions. The more comments, likes, shares, and saves your content piece receives, the more people will view the content piece.

Why Instagram Reach Might Drop

Your reach and other important Instagram metrics could decrease if you violate community guidelines with inappropriate content, display inappropriate behaviour with other users, or engage in spam-like behaviour or illegal marketing activities, like mass liking, buying bots, using hashtags, etc.

How to Reach More People on Instagram

How to Reach More People on Instagram
Post at the Right Time

To find out when your followers are active, visit Instagram Insights and then audience and look for the tab Followers, which provides information on the days and hours your followers are active.

Knowing your audience is online is essential, even though Instagram does not rank content chronologically. This factor affects the algorithm for displaying your content to your followers.

Create a content strategy to simplify your marketing efforts with content. The Combin Scheduler is a tool that will help you accomplish exactly this. You can schedule your posts, stories, and reposts days, hours and months in advance to make time for other crucial marketing tasks. In addition, you can include a caption, a location hashtags, and a link in the bio to be published immediately after the article goes live.

Make Reels & Remixes

According to the latest stats, content uploaded to Instagram Reels receives an average of 22% more engagement than regular content on Instagram.

Reels are Instagram's equivalent to TikTok, a short video where you can add effects, transitions, and background tracks. They also now include a Remix feature similar to TikTok's Duets, which lets you respond to another's Reel and show your video and theirs side-by-side.

To extend your reach by using Reels, Take a look at these:

  • Participate in the latest trends and challenges: keep updated with Reels' latest movements. This improves your chance of being noticed by fellow users.
  • Include popular songs in your Reels;
  • Use captions for overlays in Reels;
  • Share Reels with stories.
Post Videos Instead of Images

Short videos and the same length as GIFs are a great way to draw attention and boost the engagement of the post.

Instagram's algorithm favours videos. Therefore, static memes posted as 1-2 second long videos are gaining colossal popularity!

An excellent example of video content is:

Leverage UGC

One of the simplest ways to increase the organic reach of Instagram is to use other accounts with a reach. But you can encourage other accounts to share posts about you or to share your content. Simple enough?

Here are some suggestions on how you can encourage others to create content or even mention your company's name:

  • Tag individuals within your blog posts. In Combin Scheduler, you can tag posts when making them ready to publish.
  • Create Instagram giveaways and contests encouraging users to tag you on their posts.
  • Pay for content created by users by sharing, liking, and commenting on articles that reference you.
More information on how to locate UGC

This method of enticing others to share the content can take some time to create. You can boost your efforts by offering giveaways that are targeted, attractive and relevant prizes, or by encouraging users to use a specific hashtag that is branded for UGC.

Combin Growth is a great way to find UGC content. Combin Growth, you can discover UGC content for searching by:

  • Branded hashtags;
  • Locations;
  • By using demographics and user analyses,
  • Making use of advanced filtering and sorting techniques;
  • Commenting and liking creators' postings.

With the application, you can track mentions of your brand, engage with them, and increase your exposure organically.

Create Paid Ads

Utilizing targeted boosting on Instagram and through Facebook Ads Manager is among the most effective and straightforward ways to increase the reach of your Instagram. The downside is that you must pay for the ads.

With Instagram ads, you can instantly expand your reach; however, the immediate effect won't be natural. If you aim for organic reach, you'll get it later on, but remember this: If you create a creative ad relevant to your intended audience, this ad will likely be very profitable in the long term. The interested audience will interact with your content, allowing you to have your posts viewed by similar viewers (see how you can use the Instagram algorithm).

Make Original Content Specifically for Instagram

To encourage people to follow the social media platforms you control, make original content for all the platforms. Suppose you cannot afford this possibility financially or don't have a large content team. In that case, you can reuse your old content for Instagram, Create Reels from blog posts, create Instagram guides using Twitter threads, create informational infographics that are shareable from web content, and similar.

Concerning the content About the content, here are some other points to consider:

  • Remember to include caption titles. The title should be interesting, engaging, informative, and enlightening about the article. You can also have an image of the title in the picture.
  • Try to find the daily activities in stories and include overlay text to accompany the stories.
  • Tag other accounts
  • Incorporate music tracks into your stories. This could boost the reach of your reports because people will watch stories with appealing music tracks more than once stop, pause, and save them.
Find Viral and Sharable Content

Another method to your visibility in Instagram is to create high-quality, shareable content.

Shareable content differs for different niches, from inspirational quotes, questions, puzzles, and questionnaires to memes.

You can also increase your content's shareability by creating content related to specific occasions, such as national holidays national holidays or annual events for brands. Make sure to include only some events on your calendar of real-time marketing however, instead, select only more pertinent events.

Work with brands and other media.
Not only influencers.

You can join forces with companies with an expected target audience or reach out to small media. Find small-sized entrepreneurs or creators on Instagram using Combin Growth's sophisticated filters and analysis. Then, contact them to collaborate.

Get Rid of Bots and Ghost Followers

Buying or acquiring followers in any other manner will not benefit your account. At most, it won't do anything to your account. In an even worse case, your report will slowly lose its popularity and engagement, and, in addition, it could be removed by Instagram.

The most effective method to rid your Instagram of fake followers is to notify the fake followers or eliminate them from your list of followers.

To accomplish this, comply with these steps:

  • Locate the profile that you wish to write about.
  • Click the three dots at the top of their profile (on iOS or Android).
  • Hit Report or Remove.
Talk to Your Followers

Your followers are your most significant source of organic reach on Instagram. They engage and share content with many more people than you could ever reach alone.

You can increase your efficiency and show gratitude by responding in your return. Follow your followers If they have a public profile with posts about your brand. Tell their stories that feature your products or mentions of your brand. Respond to their comments and keep the conversation flowing with replies. Please keep track of the messages you send them, and don't let them hang.

Use Different Geotags

Make sure to include tags for location on your posts. If other brands and creators with extensive reach tag the exact location, it increases your chances of being discovered by other Instagrammers using the same geotag, examining your profile and following you if they find the account interesting.

Another tip is to include tags from different locations in your posts unless your business is tied to a specific region:

Leverage the Full Range of Instagram Content

Instagram is constantly adding new features. As of now, you can share:

  • Your feed has a single image, photo carousels, and short video clips. Create mutual posts in other accounts.
  • Stories include choices for AR lens polls, questions shopping, links and tags for fundraising.
  • Highlights from the story.
  • Reels.
  • Instagram Live video streams, including shared streams with other accounts.
  • Guides are collections of articles on particular topics.
  • Products in the Instagram shop.

Businesses are usually advised to select one or two platforms to concentrate on when it involves social media. However, within each channel, you must use all available formats to increase your reach. Posting in these formats ensures an ongoing presence and a constant flow of content. It also helps you get your message out to potential followers regardless of where they may be on the site.

Be Inclusive

Instagram has many options to make your account inclusive. Here are a few fundamentals:

  • Make captions manually for stories and videos.
  • Use alt text for your Instagram images. Alt text is a piece of text that explains images to anyone unable to see the pictures. Instagram might also use it to provide information on the post's content, which feeds back to the algorithm.
  • Use a checker like Who Can Use (free) to ensure your colour scheme is easy to read and view.
  • If you add captions you have created for your stories, ensure that the captions are clear and large enough for you to read.
  • When you film a video, be sure that your face is visible to those who can lip-read and keep the background noise to a minimum.
Use Branded Content Tags

Did you know that different companies could mention your company in their Instagram advertisements or sponsored posts? This feature is intended for sponsorships and brand partnerships. However, it also means that you can benefit from a brand's reach through paid advertising. A single tag with branded content could result in thousands of new views of your product.

You can search for the tags for content that is branded by following this link in the Instagram settings menu: Creative or Business (depending on the type of account you own) > Content that is branded.

You can allow all content tags, then manually accept every one of them, or build an approved list of business partners who can use your name in their own branded ads and posts.

Increase Your Instagram Reach: Takeaways

Some of these strategies you've probably already used before, but others we hope you discovered new. Utilizing every one of them can expand your exposure organically in a short time. Let's briefly discuss these points again:

  • Create Instagram content when it is the appropriate time.
  • Remixes, Reels, and every feature Instagram introduces.
  • Upload more videos.
  • Engage users by using user-generated content.
  • Make use of ads that are paid.
  • Create original content exclusively for Instagram or reuse old content.
  • Create viral content to share.
  • Collaboration with other brands and media.
  • Eliminate ghost followers and bots.
  • Engage with your followers.
  • Use different geotags.
  • Use all types of content Instagram provides.
  • Be inclusive.
  • Use tags for content that is branded.