Making a DIY (DIY) website offers a variety of advantages. You are in control of your site. You can personalize it to your liking and also save money. However, constructing DIY sites that appear professional and are competitive with professionally looking websites is only manageable with instruction.

If you are willing to spend the time to learn some of the best web design techniques, your website will look stunning. It is easy to implement most of these suggestions, especially when using WordPress.

In this article, we'll show you the ten elements of a website that you can use to make your website appear professional.

Utilize a limited color palette to prevent overwhelming visitors.

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Suppose you have complete control over your design. In that case, it may be tempting to create visually appealing pages using lots of vibrant and eye-catching colors. But this can make visiting your website a daunting experience. When it comes to web development, Proficient designers are able to narrow their color palette to maximize impact.

Colors can convey the image of your brand. A lot of colors that make your website appear chaotic could create a feeling of disorganization and indecisiveness. Instead, choose one primary color, as well as an accent color, and keep it neutral. A tool like Coolors will help you design colors quickly and quickly.

To help you master your color scheme, refer to web development company in Anand called KERYAR for more information.

Be sure to leave plenty of white space to prevent the creation of cluttered pages and posts.

White space refers to empty spaces on your website's pages. They don't have to have a white color ('negative space is a possible description you could use). However, these empty spaces can help keep your site from appearing cluttered and confusing to visitors.

Overall, a more minimalistic design lets users find what they're searching for when they visit your site.

Choose a legible font to ensure that it is easy to read.

Graphic letters or fancy scripts may seem like a high-end feature to add. But think of professionalism as something other than a complex cost. The fact that you must purchase a custom font and then add it to your website does not mean that it's a high-end font. Instead, prioritize legibility.

If your visitors aren't able to read your website no matter how much you spend on getting your fancy typography. Make sure your website's primary goal is to provide information at the top of the list.

For the best results, choose two fonts to pair.

Include high-quality personal photos to give authenticity.

Include high-quality personal photos to give authenticity

Images are an excellent method to enhance your website's content. However, cramming your site with images that aren't original isn't a wise method. The quality of your photos is more excellent than quantity. Authentic photos look more genuine and can help to create trust with your users.

However, you don't intend to put the image with poor quality on your site and call it a success. Poor-quality images can also affect the impressions that users have of your website. So, pay attention to aspects like lighting and framing while taking and uploading images.

Make sure to include straightforward navigation as well as search functions to help users find the information they require

No matter if your website has just one page or many pages, your visitors must be capable of finding their way to their destination. Visitors come to your website for a reason, and if they're still looking for what they are looking for, they're likely to go elsewhere rather than search. That's why straightforward navigation is crucial."

The addition of a simple navigation feature will allow users to quickly get to where they want to get to. Also, including search capabilities can help users quickly locate pages or posts all over your website.

Write a well-written About Page to increase user trust and loyalty.

The creation of a home page and giving information on your company's products or services are likely to be in your thoughts when it comes to your website's content. However, the About page plays a crucial role on your website as well.

By telling your brand's story, goals, and values, you can humanize your brand to build a sense of confidence and trust among your customers. This will give you an advantage over your competitors as customers are more likely to stay with brands that share their values.

Integrate Call to Action (CTA) buttons to increase your conversion rate.

Integrate Call to Action (CTA) buttons to increase your conversion rate.

If you're looking to increase conversion rates, you must make it as simple for users as it is to convert..

Suppose you're building DIY websites using WordPress. In that case, you can now easily add buttons using the Block Editor without the requirement of a plugin or a custom code. This allows users to include actionable and convertible elements to your mailing list products, memberships, and just about everything else you might think of.

Make sure your headers and footers are constant to help build brand recognition.

When your customers require the product or service you offer, they should be thinking of your brand first. Brand recognition is essential. Using the same header and footer throughout your website is an excellent chance to make an impression on your visitors.

It is especially beneficial when your logo for your business is included in either of these areas. This essential element of the identity of your site is crucial to establishing a well-known brand.

Prioritize mobile responsiveness in order to be more accessible to users.

Suppose you've ever visited a website on your phone and realized that you couldn't read it due to the font size being either too big or too small. In that case, you're aware of how frustrating the lack of responsiveness for mobile devices is.

When your mobile site doesn't adjust to the size of your visitors' screens, they are likely to leave.

You should pay attention to Google's algorithm's responsiveness, which is a key component of mobile search. Making your WordPress website mobile-friendly used to be a challenge, but now almost any theme can do it. We have a wide collection of themes to choose from, but they all look great on smartphones.

Use simple contact forms to assist users in contacting you.

Another feature that professional websites all share is the ease of access to contact information, including an address, telephone number, and email. But you could make it simpler for customers to contact you by putting up the following contact form.

It is possible to display the type of form on its own webpage or within the sidebar or footer of your site to make it easy to access. There are many plugins that you can use to build forms within WordPress, for example, such as Contact Form 7 or Gravity forms. Confident page builders - like Elementor, offer high-quality tools that allow you to create forms right out of the box, and plugins like Jetpack provide basic functionality to display forms.


With more website-building platforms popping up nearly every day, DIY websites are on the increase. The savings and control gained by creating your own website may look appealing; however, if your site appears unprofessional and trustworthy, your brand may be protected by it.

There are a few elements of web design that you can easily incorporate into your site to enhance the professional look of your site. Designing clean and crisp visuals using a minimal color palette and plenty of white space, creating trust by using personal images and an About Page, and incorporating interactive features like CTA buttons or contact forms can create quality websites. If you need a professional looking website than contact KERYAR. They will create the website of your dream at ease.