What is digital marketing?

Digital marketing, which is also called "online marketing," is all the marketing that happens on the internet. Digital channels like search engines, social media, email, and other websites are used by businesses to talk to their current and potential customers. This also includes text messages and other types of messages.

Various Forms of Digital Marketing

Here are some of the most popular types of digital marketing and their channels:

PPC or Pay-per-click:

It's a way to market your business and get paid visitors to your website. Every time someone clicks on their ad, the advertiser will pay the publisher.

Social Media:

It includes Facebook, Instagram, and other sites. Businesses use these platforms to spread the word about their brand by making useful content. It's also where customers and business owners can talk to each other.


As part of this marketing plan, businesses must work to improve their website's ranking in order to get more visitors. The more likely it is that your brand will grow, the higher your website ranks on Google's SERP.

Marketing with content:

It's a strategy that lets businesses give their customers useful information instead of trying to sell them something. Content marketing is based on providing value and making content that customers will want to read.

Video Marketing:

Online, video is the most popular type of media. It's good marketing content that will get more people to buy from your business. There are a variety of applications for video marketing. You can use it to promote your brand or product, show how your business works behind the scenes, and share stories and testimonials.

Email Marketing:

It's one of the oldest ways to market online and has one of the highest returns on investment (ROI). It involves sending personalised emails to a specific group of people or to people who have already bought from you.

How significant is digital marketing?

There are some big benefits of digital marketing:

Evens out the playing field online

Location is everything when it comes to how visible a business is on the web, just like when you open a store. Customers will come to a business's door if it is easy to find on the web, gets its name out there, and updates its information often.

Keeps businesses one step ahead of their competitors

The best way for a brand to get ahead of the competition is through digital marketing. Think about SEO, organic search, local search, Google Adwords, social media, and blogs. Businesses want to reach as many people as possible, and this is much easier to do on the web than in person.

It costs less than traditional advertising

Traditional advertising like TV, radio, newspapers, magazines, and direct mail can cost a lot of money. Now, business owners can look online for a cheap alternative. Think of YouTube as a replacement for TV, blogs as a replacement for magazines, social media as a replacement for flyers, and podcasts as a replacement for the radio. Some digital versions of traditional advertising are free, and all of them can be much cheaper than their traditional counterparts if the business has someone to manage and develop its strategies.

Provides data

The good thing about digital marketing is that the people who make ads can use analytics to find out how well they are doing. This is something that can't be done with traditional advertising methods. You can quickly pull up analytical reports to test ad campaigns and find out what people are reading, looking at, or buying.

Connects with mobile users

Customers can be reached on mobile devices no matter where they are thanks to digital marketing. Once a business has optimised its local search and online presence, it can be sure that it will be found. As more and more people use their phones to browse the web, it's important to have a digital presence and local search optimization.

Boosts brand recognition

Since there are so many ways to market on the Internet, it's easier than ever to spread the word about new brands. A scattershot approach to marketing will confuse potential customers. It is much better to put money into a short campaign and build on it, keeping a clear brand voice and style.

Allows businesses to keep track of their brand

The best thing about digital marketing is that people who use it can easily check their reputation and talk to unhappy customers. This lets them fix bad news before it spreads too far and wide. Even if a business doesn't use the Internet or social media, that doesn't mean its customers don't. It's much better to know what's going on as it happens than to find out the hard way with everyone else.

Help brands build trust with their audience

If a business follows its customers on social media, responds to their comments, and shows that it cares, it will gain trust, friendships, and more customers. There is nothing better than connecting with a customer online and then having them come into the store to tell you how much it meant to them that the business took the time to connect. Often, the most important things a business can do are the small ones.

Offers businesses more ways to sell their products

Think of digital marketing as a branch of a business that has a storefront. One part of the business is a social media page with posts about tips, advice, local news, and events related to the brand. In another branch, the company's blog is kept. This blog is meant to teach, inspire, and entertain its readers. Different landing pages and blog posts for different products lead off from these main channels. When you add YouTube videos, the business can be everywhere on the web, promoting its products and services and spreading its message and brand.

Can inform and educate consumers

One of the best things about digital marketing is that it lets brands share information with their customers that makes their lives better. One of the best reasons to use digital marketing is that it could make people's lives better. Businesses can make the world a better place for the next generation and beyond by sharing their skills, business models, and good ways of living.

Shares a brand's story with more people

Last but not least, digital marketing for businesses is about telling the world a unique story. Digital marketing is the best way for a business to stand out and be heard. It gets the brand in front of people who need the product or service and those who might be interested in learning more about it.

Keryar is a digital marketing company in Anand, Gujarat. It helps small and medium-sized local businesses with their marketing. Keryar is a marketing company that focuses on social media and content marketing. It works closely with its clients, which it calls the "Keryar Community," to come up with new ideas and turn them into refreshing results.