In today's digital age,cyber security online has become more important than ever before. We all have our own digital space, whether it's a social media account, an online banking portal, or a work email. We keep passwords on it so that it stays private and safe. Now, why is it important to have safe passwords? Have you ever given it any thought? Maybe not, but having a strong password helps keep hackers from getting into your account. According to the research, there are about 2,200 cyberattacks every day, which is 8 million in a year.

Let's look at how you can keep your passwords safe.

These seven tips will help you stay safer online

1. Don't tell anyone your passwords

Don't tell anyone your password

You probably wouldn't give a stranger your ATM card and PIN and then walk away. So, why would you give your username and password to someone else? Your login information is as important as the money in your bank account. Even the IT department doesn't need to know them. It's a scam if someone asks you for your password.

2. Use a different password for each account you have

So, even if one account is hacked, the others won't be in danger.

3. Use multi-factor Authentication (MFA)

Use multi-factor Authentication (MFA)

The best passwords can only do so much. With Multi-Factor Authentication, your username and password are backed up by a second layer of security. Most of the time, the extra factor is a token or a mobile app that you use to prove that you really want to log in.

4. Length wins over difficulty

The best passwords are long ones. Whenever you can, use at least 16 characters.

5. Make passwords that are hard to figure out but easy to remember:

Make passwords that are hard to figure out but easy to remember

Use sentences or phrases in your passwords to help you remember them. "chocolatepeanutbutterjelly" is one example. On some systems, you can even use spaces, like in "chocolate peanut butter jelly."

    · Don't use single words or words that start or end with a single number (e.g. Password1). Hackers will use word dictionaries and passwords that are often used to try to figure out what your password is.
    · Don't use information in your password that others might know about you or find in your social media, like your birthday, the names of your children or pets, the model of your car, etc. If your friends know how to find it, hackers will too.

6. Complexity still matters

Add capital and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters to make it harder. At least 3 of these should be used in a password. "Chocolate and peanut butter" is a strong password example: JELLY!”